French Fries Oregano. Special French Fries with Oregano Herb. These crispy french fries are easy to make and seriously good! A healthy air fryer recipe that makes addictive fries in minutes!
The official Collins English-French Dictionary online.
French fries, or simply fries (North American English), chips (British and Commonwealth English, Hiberno-English), finger chips (Indian English), or French-fried potatoes. oregano - traduction anglais-français.
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Kalian dapat menyiapkan French Fries Oregano menggunakan 7 bahan bahan dan 5 langkah. Berikut cara kalian untuk memasak ini.
Bahan bahan
- Kalian perlu 4 buah kentang, potong memanjang.
- Siapkan 125 g tepung terigu.
- Siapkan 1/2 sdt merica bubuk.
- Siapkan 1 siung bawang putih, parut.
- Siapkan Secukupnya penyedap dan garam.
- Kalian perlu 1 sdm oregano kering.
- Kalian perlu Secukupnya minyak.
These delicious french fries are made from select Grade A potatoes. Who Loves These Crinkle Cut French Fries? Anyone who loves the taste of real potatoes. French Fries is Lipid fat and Vitamin K rich food which prevent cramps, aids function of brain There is no exact history of French fries.
- Lumuri kentang dengan merica dan bawang putih..
- Aduk bumbu dengan terigu dan oregano..
- Masukkan kentang ke dalam tepung berbumbu, aduk sampai kentang terbalut sempurna..
- Goreng kentang hingga matang. Angkat, tiriskan..
- Sajikan..
Spanish, French and Belgian asserted that they are an exclusive. Oregano is closely related to marjoram. It is characteristic of many Greek dishes (particularly lamb) and in Oregano recipes. A pungent green herb with a great affinity for a variety of foods, from lamb to. French fries (called chips in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Commonwealth, French fried potatoes or just fries in North America), are a type of food made out of potatoes.