Brownies Shiny Crust. Thus the successful brownie's signature shiny/delicate/flaky top crust. Some bakers say the key to making brownies with shiny crust is dissolving the sugar in melted butter before adding; others call for several minutes of beating, to make sure sugar and egg are fully combined. So I devise a series of tests.
Sure, I like a quick and easy brownie recipe without the addition of melted chocolate but did you know that has a lot to do with the shiny crust you see on some brownies? Perhaps, the way you beat the eggs with sugar or the chocolate you use, can intensify the structure but I'm not going to get too fancy with chemistry or ingredients. Q: I make brownies at home frequently, and and have noticed that some brownies bake up with a matte top that almost looks granular. Kalian dapat menyiapkan Brownies Shiny Crust menggunakan 8 bahan bahan dan 4 langkah. Berikut cara kalian untuk memasak ini.
Bahan bahan
- Siapkan 4 butir telur.
- Siapkan 250 gr gula pasir.
- Kalian perlu 200 gr tepung terigu.
- Kalian perlu 40 gr susu bubuk.
- Siapkan 40 gr cokelat bubuk.
- Siapkan 20 gr tepung maizena.
- Kalian perlu 200 gr butter.
- Siapkan 240 gr DCC.
Other times, I get lucky and the brownie crust looks shiny with minor cracks — much more attractive and alluring! How can I get that shiny chocolate-y top every time? I often use brownie recipes where the butter and chocolate are melted together. How to get a shiny crust on brownies?
Langkah langkah
- Lelehkan butter lalu campurkan dengan cokelat DCC yang sudah dicincang kasar..
- Kocok telur dan gula hingga sedikit mengembang dan gula larut menggunakan whisk..
- Campurkan semua bahan kering ke kocokkan telur dan masukkan lelehan butter+dcc aduk balik hanya hingga tercampur. *tdk boleh terlalu lama mengaduk nanti tidak keluar shiny crust ny..
- Panggang suhu 180°c 30-40menit jangan dibuka hingga matang api atas bawah.. (tergantung oven masing2 ya).
Whisk the sugar into the eggs first. This will help it dissolve some, and also the bonds between sugar and egg proteins is what creates the thin tissue like crust. To help this along, always use room temperature (not cold) eggs. The warmer temperature helps sugar dissolve. Assalamualaikum Selamat datang di channelku :) Kali ini aku mau bikin brownies panggang anti gagal Semoga bermanfaat dan selamat mencoba Jangan lupa subscribe, like dan komennya ya, Follow.